by Guy | 7 Aug 2018 | acting, photography, podcasts, wrestling
Ooh, over a month since my last blog? What has been going on then? Well, lots of stuff actually. Not sure I can remember much of it, mind. I guess the biggest thing has been a push for my photography. I’ve finally created my own photography website and...
by Guy | 10 Jun 2018 | acting, comedy, life, music, photography, podcasts, wrestling
I do love photography. Especially at this time of year. The long daylight hours mean that I can usually find a good picture somewhere, whatever time of day I head out. I find it incredibly relaxing to drive out to an area with no one around and just wander aimlessly,...
by Guy | 27 May 2018 | acting, comedy, life, music, photography, podcasts, wrestling, writing
I’ll be honest. This is more a brain dump/review session for me than a blog post. But if you’re interested in any of the things I’m up to feel free to read ahead… Life The past few month has been a bit crazy. I’m not going to go into...
by Guy | 8 Apr 2018 | acting, podcasts, wrestling, writing
I mentioned in my last post that I’m feeling an increasing sense of clarity these days. I know pretty much instinctively whether or not I want to accept a piece of work, and the paths I wish to follow to work towards my goals are, for the first time in my life,...
by Guy | 7 Mar 2018 | acting, life, podcasts, wrestling, writing
It’s been a pretty manic couple of weeks. Generally, things are progressing in the way I want them to, but I’ve felt overwhelmed on several occasions this last fortnight- not least when I contracted this damn virus-y thing. It all seemed to be going so...
by Guy | 30 Jan 2018 | acting, comedy, wrestling, writing
Something a bit more positive to write about today: development, and developments. I’ve just joined The Actors Centre in London. I hadn’t previously done this because for some reason, in my head I had decided that their workshops and facilities were too...